Sis Shirley Carroll Funeral Arrangements
Tuesday 27th of February 2024 10.30am
Sis Shirley Carroll Funeral Arrangements
Shirley will be laid to rest on Tuesday 27th February at the Macquarie Park Cemetery.
Her memorial service will commence at 10:30 am, in the Cameilla Chapel followed by her burial. Please, then join us to share in light refreshments in the Wallumatta Function Centre.
Mum/Grandma loved bright colours, so feel free to dress accordingly. Shirley was a volunteer for the Salvo Care line. Instead of flowers, a donation to support a crisis counseling service would be wonderful.
Love in our Lord
Naomi & Robert, Olivia and Sasha Tutticci, and Nathan & Maryanne, Rosie and Emily Carroll
Live Streaming Details
The live stream is scheduled to begin on:
Tuesday, February 27th 2024 at 10:30 AM (Australia/Sydney)

This is a private event which will require the following PIN number to access: 2872